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Neck Pain

 In a society that is increasingly dominated by technology and minimal physical activity, a workday for many people consists of sitting at a work station with poor ergonomics and looking at a computer monitor all day. Then, when they go home, many of them do the same thing. The vertebrae, discs, ligaments, muscles, and tendons of the cervical spine can become injured or otherwise damaged causing neck, upper back, shoulder, or arm pain. At Motion Dynamics Chiropractic in Charleston, SC, our chiropractor, and his team provide patients with treatment that restores functionality and reduces neck pain.


Common Causes of Neck Pain

Your cervical spine begins at the bottom of your skull and goes downward. It consists of seven small vertebrae. On top of the cervical spine is your head, and that weighs about twelve pounds. Here are a few causes of neck pain that our chiropractor frequently sees in our clinic:

  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Bulging or herniated discs with nerve root compression
  • Subluxations from vertebral misalignment
  • Whiplash injuries from auto accidents and contact sports
  • Soft tissue strains to muscles and tendons and sprains to the ligaments

Common Symptoms of Neck Injuries or Conditions

Aside from neck pain, a person suffering from a neck injury or condition might suffer from headaches that originate at the base of the skull. Only one side of the head might be affected. Some patients also suffer upper back pain traveling into a shoulder, down an arm, and into a hand.

Neck Pain Treatment from Our Chiropractor

The primary method of treatment by our chiropractor for neck pain is through spinal adjustments. These adjustments are made to the cervical spine gently by hand. A series of adjustments over time are coupled with other therapies that can reduce or eliminate neck pain, restore flexibility, and improve your range of motion. Other therapies that might be combined with chiropractic neck pain treatment include muscle therapy, trigger point therapy, massage, and exercise therapy.

Neck Pain Treatment in Charleston, SC

Chiropractic care for neck pain does not involve dangerous surgery, prescription medication, or over-the-counter medication. If you suffer from neck pain or any of its related symptoms, and you live in or around Charleston, SC, contact our team at Motion Dynamics Chiropractic for an initial examination and consultation. Dr. Adams will diagnose and locate the specific cause of your neck pain. He will create a treatment plan to provide effective relief and a speedy recovery. Call us today at 843-766-1255 to schedule an appointment.

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Our Locations

Office Hours

Regular Hours


8:30 am-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-12:30 pm


8:00 am-10:00 am



Massage Therapy Hours


8:30 am-12:00 pm


8:30 am-1:30 pm

every other Tuesday






1:00 pm-6:00 pm

every other Friday



