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The Posture Struggle is Real!

The struggle is real! Gravity is our friend in many ways but is a constant force sitting on your head.
When we are already looking down at our phones, or sore from carrying a child, this gravity is no longer
our friend but an enemy to posture. I know! I used to have the posture of a troll! I was slightly hunched
over for years until I was one day enlighten by my soon to be wife that I had horrible posture. I didn’t
believe it! I looked in the mirror, saw pictures, and realized the truth. The truth is that Quasimodo and I
could be brothers. 

So many people blame their neck and back pain on where they “carry their stress”.
Physical, chemical and emotional stress effects our posture, but pain and disease is from the constant
struggle that the neck muscles are going though to keep our head from falling off our shoulders. Once I
accepted the truth, I was motivated to make a change and I did. I felt ridiculous at first. It felt like I was
trying to walk like the strongest man in the world with my chest jutted out 30 feet in front of me. I felt
kind of dumb walking like this, but when I asked my fiancé if I looked like I had been pumped up full of
air, she would tell me that I look like I was standing normal. She even said that I looked good, and that
standing straight made me look a lot thinner! Ouch! Haha. Well that was motivation not only for feeling
better but looking thinner around the middle too.
Once I improved my posture, I observed “my poor posture” in almost everyone I saw. Your talking
motivation to help the world! 

At my office we are in the business of helping people to feel and look
better. Posture and muscle weakness are a major cause of pain, lack of sleep, lack of motivation and yes,
even sadness. The moral of the story is, hold your head up, get those shoulders back, get your spine
checked, take control of your health and start “Getting your life back in motion”.

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Our Locations

Office Hours

Regular Hours


8:30 am-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-12:30 pm


8:00 am-10:00 am



Massage Therapy Hours


8:30 am-12:00 pm


8:30 am-1:30 pm

every other Tuesday






1:00 pm-6:00 pm

every other Friday





Motion Dynamics Chiropractic Charleston, SC 843-766-1255